Thursday, July 5, 2012

Change of Plans...and the Tooth

Well....we had a plan.

We left Drifter's RV park about 11:30am.  The plan was to drive as far as we felt like, then boondock somewhere using the generator.  We made great progress, winding up in a nice rest area just a coupe of hours outside Orlando.  We got a pizza, and settled in.  Then...the generator stopped running, and never started again!

So....we got back on the road, and ended up at a very interesting RV park called Travelers Campground.  We got here at night, but it seems very interesting.  They have donkeys, goats, macaws, peacocks and horses.  They have an overnight area like we have never seen.

It seems we have found a really cool place.  We will explore tomorrow morning, and take plenty of pictures.  We plan on leaving about noon, and settling in the park in Orlando.  We also are going to try and pick up our tickets at Disney, since it seems to take a while.

The Tooth....

Jen and Erin battled about the tooth most of the day.  It was hanging on by a thread, just teasing Jen.  Erin would not let her near it!  At the last truck stop we were at, Erin spotted a $5 bracelet she wanted.  I let her play with it a little, then told her she could not have it until she lost her tooth.  Well, she didn't like that.  So, we went to the truck, I finished gassing it up, and gave her one last chance.

I told her...Just grab it, and PULL HARD!!!  And guess what....SHE DID!!!

And...she got a bracelet.....and a necklace....and a pizza....and some ice cream.

The tooth stopped tormenting Jen...

And I got a happy wife and daughter.  :)

I will post pics tomorrow of the RV park.


  1. Did you call the tooth fairy and tell her where you are? ;-)

    Did the generator ever start back up? Can you take it back? I hope you can since you are counting on it for traveling.

    We are enjoying your posts.

    1. Tooth Fairy will find us tonight....she was tired last night!
